Sunday, 1 January 2012

2012 - It's all about me!!

Every year, people make resolutions that, let's face it, rarely last past January. Which is why, up until now I've never bothered. After all, I don't smoke or drink heavily, I'm not overweight and I exercise pretty regularly. But this year, I'm going to try not so much to make resolutions, but to make 4 'lifestyle aims' based on what I have experienced in the last year. These aims are one for each main area of my life: Health, Friends, Love & Work.
For example, I know that I can quite easily fit 3 visits to the gym into the average week. So my Health aim for 2012 is to stick to this!!
My aim for my Friends is to be better with communication that isn't facebook! Having moved from Bristol to Edinburgh last September, I now have lots of people's addresses, and I intend to use them and write letters!
My Love aim for 2012 is to avoid getting my heart broken! After spending around 8 months of 2011 in something of a 'love coma' after breaking up with my boyfriend of 5 years, I have learned that trust is something that REALLY needs to be earned, and any potential future boyfriends will have to take far longer than a year to earn it from me! That and the fact that I am embracing single life and enjoying just dating!
Finally, my Work aim is quite simply to pass my masters and FINALLY enter the grown-up world of the tax-paying workers!
So there we have it, 4 fairly simple aims for 2012. Time will tell!
Anyways, I'm off to facebook my friend about why I can't make the gym tonight...

Peace. X

1 comment:

  1. I think having 4 main aims is a much better approach than having a huge list of unachievable ideals, like I usually do. I've made a resolution to not have any resolutions this year, but to get on with doing things and stop putting things off - as soon as I think of possibly doing something, I'm going make an effort of getting it done soon rather than adding it to the list of things to do another day... We'll see show it goes :)

    Good luck with your resolutions & Happy New Year :D x
